5 Products I Bought That Saves Me Money #2

Who doesn’t love a purchase that continues to net savings! It’s kind of like buying a stock that pays dividends over time… In an odd kind of way. 😅

I love buying things that saves me money over time. Don’t you?

Without further ado, here are the 5 items I bought where I can proudly say “money well spent!”.


5 Products I Bought That Saves Me Money

1. Infrared Thermometer

This thing is a must! I recently purchased this to measure temperature around windows and doors to weather proof the house. If you own an older home like I do, you will be surprised how much you can improve your efficiency of your home! This helped me locate troublesome areas that needed some new door seals and window caulking which should result to savings on electricity and gas bills. Great to monitor central air temps to make sure everything is running well. Just point and pull for readings. Love it!


2. Dr. Christopher’s Infection

This one is a HUGE money saver. Had what felt like a gum infection coming and discovered this little product. Took it for 2 days and the infection reversed course and went away! What could have been a nearly $1000 dental expense only costed me about $15.00! Massive savings. 🥂 This product can be used for many other infections as it clears toxins from the lymph system. It is a natural infection fighter and may be used as an antibiotic supplement for certain particular infections. I’m not a doctor so do your own research. 👍


3. Barkeepers Friend

This is by far the best cleaner for almost any task! Saved me from throwing away some older stainless steal pots and pans. This will make your old pots and pans look like new! Works great on grout and tiles as well! One solution for many cleaning problems! Super cheap as well! Don’t buy on Amazon. Much cheaper at Home Depot and Lowes.


4. Ikea CHOSIGT Ice Pop Maker

If you have an Ikea near by, you’re in luck! These are $1.99 for one set which comes with 6 ice cream molds. Bought two sets and my life has changed. I never buy ice cream anymore. What I love about this even more is the size. You don’t have to feel guilty eating these! We also make healthier versions of ice cream and save money!


5. Luxe Bidet Neo 120

If you’re new to this, you must approach this product with an open mind and some courage. It does take some people time to get use to this product. Once you overcome the hurdle, this will change your life forever. You don’t need to start off with the fancy and super expensive bidet. This one was a great starter for me. You WILL save tons on toilet paper. 😏


Want more ideas on how save? Check out my previous posts below. 

5 Products I Bought That Saves Me Money #1

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