5 Products I Bought That Saves Me Money

Extreme frugality is not for me but smart spending? Sign me up!

I’m always in the hunt for ways to simplify, improve productivity and efficiency in my life. When the two combined also includes savings over time? Even better! I love those simple things in life you buy that makes you wonder why you haven’t bought sooner! Especially when it’s often related to the things you use daily.

I have no problem spending money on things that save you money, time, and health!

Just thought I would share some of these products with you guys. They make great gifts also! Especially to your friends and family who are on their debt free journey! 😁


5 Products I Bought That Saves Me Money

1. Philips Sonicare Toothbrush

I purchased this baby over 10 years ago and it still runs strong! These are the updated versions but they seem like the same exact one I purchased many years back. I am not a fan of the circular motion brushes. I have used them also but they do not clean as well as these side to side brushing motion. Brush heads last forever. They say it lasts 3 to 6 months but in my experience they last well over a year as long as you use them properly and don’t use excessive pressure when brushing. My dental visits are far less frequent and when I do go for a visit, it’s only good news. No more bracing those scary seats while the drills grind away! If you love coffee like myself and struggle with coffee stains, this works wonders. Buying this electric brush was one of the smartest investment I made for the health of my teeth.


2. Bamboo Velour Face Pads

Do you use cotton rounds with your toners after washing your face? This here will free you forever from buying those disposable face wipes! Ever since I began using these re-usable rounds I never went back to purchasing disposable wipes. The savings are quickly adding up as the years go by. You simple use them, throw them in the mesh bag it came with, and once full, throw them in the laundry with the whites. I have purchased few different kinds of these bamboo face pads but be warned some are not as soft as these. Some brands will lose its softness after few washes. However, these velour wipes seem to remain soft even after many months of use.


3. Natural Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifying Bags

This thing is amazing. So amazing, I have one in each and every bedroom, bathroom, and closets. That’s not all, I also keep one in each car. I have one that is over 6 years old that still works great! Don’t throw them away! Just place them in the sun for about an hour to recharge once a month.


4. Kintor Wool Dryer Balls XL 6 Pack

If you have sensitive skin like I do and suffer from fabric softeners, you will love these! They are made of 100% wool and hypoallergenic, and 100% natural. Ever since I began using these wool balls in replacement of fabric softener sheets, I rarely purchase sheets if ever. They work just as great as the sheets at removing static and even scenting your clothes. Just use a single drop of whichever essential oil you want on one ball and there you have it! Amazing smelling laundry. I have used these wool ball for over 3 years and they look just as new. These also reduce your drying time which should help save on your utility bills.


5. Optimum Rinse wash & Shine (Waterless Car wash

For those of you who wash your own cars, this is for you. I wash my own car about 95% of the times using NO water. Just spray and wipe with amazing results. If you live in an area where water is ridiculously expensive like Los Angeles, this may save you on your water bills. This one bottle will last you for years. One cap full mixed with a full spray bottle of water is good for 2-3 washes. This one bottle has saved me hundreds! 😎

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