6 Habits You Can Stop Today to Escape the Rat Race

It can start with the most fundamental areas of our lives. Some of the most obvious life habits are what holds many of us back when it comes to improving our financial situations. It requires no money or investments to implement these changes. With the right goals in focus and the lifestyle changes applied. Anyone can set their journey towards the right path.

Here are some habits I stopped that helped me escape the rat race and reach financial independence.

Escape the Rat Race with 6 Habits You Can Stop Today

Stop buying new cars every 4-6 years. It’s likely one of the single worst consumer product Americans buy that weights heavily on their finances. The industry providing easy financing doesn’t help consumers. Stop accumulating depreciating assets that weigh on your finances. The average American trades in their car every 4-6 years. It’s no wonder 60% of Americans don’t have $1000 to cover an emergency expense.

Stop dining out so often. You can save upwards of up to 5X on your food expense by cooking your own meals at home.

Stop wasting time. The average person sleeps around 7 hours a day. 1 hour eating and the another 1 on grooming. That leaves you 15 hours to earn, learn and grow. Time is the most valuable asset you have. Utilize time efficiently today to reclaim it in your later years.

Stop buying things you don’t need. Look around your life. Do you have a bunch of crap that sits around you no longer utilize or need? Sell it. Adopt a policy into your life where you ask yourself the following questions prior purchasing such as, “how long will I utilize this for? Do I really need this? How much joy will this bring to my life? Can I live without this? Is this more important to me then escaping the rat race?” You will be surprised how often you turn down a purchase armed with the right set of questions and priorities.

Stop wasting food. Too many Americans waste food. Learning to correct this habit alone can save you hundreds of dollars year after year. Data shows, a family of four loses around $1,500 on average a year just on wasted food!

Stop caring about what others think of you. Live by your metrics not others. Stop trying to impress others you hate by buying crap you don’t need. Your journey to escape the rat race may result to lifestyle changes many will criticize. It’s often easier to live like the 95% of the people. It’s the traits and lifestyle the 5% traverse that leads to the rare outcomes.




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