Easy Money for March 2019

Easy Money for March 2019Who doesn’t like easy money? It’s amazing how easy it is to make some extra cash on the side doing what you always normally do. However, easy money is not always worth your time. Your time has value and that is how I measure and determine if the money is worth your efforts.


How I Made Some Easy Money This Month

Slickdeals/AMEX: $275 (Cost: 10 minutes) The site is currently running a promotion on an American Express Blue Cash card that in total will get you $275 in cash back. $125 from Slickdeals paid directly into your paypal account and $150 from American Express after spending $1000 in purchases.

Utility Survey: $75 (Cost: 5 minutes) I received an email asking to participate in a survey from my utility company in return for $75. The most from a utility survey I ever seen. Surprisingly, the survey only took around 5 minutes to complete.

Swagbucks: $25 (Cost: 3 minutes) Swagbucks offers all kinds of promotions on products and services. You often can earn a nice amount of money signing up for promotions through their website and earn SB that can be exchanged for gift cards of your choice. I typically exchange SB credit to gift cards when they offer discounts of 12-18% saving you more!

Amazon: $20 (Cost: 10 minutes) Late deliveries on your orders by Amazon will qualify for a credit upwards of $10.  I had two late deliveries this month resulting in the credit. They may try to offer you a credit of $5 at first but if you ask for more they will bump that up to $10.



Total Cost: 28 minutes

Total Earned: $395

Not bad for 28 minutes of my time! What did I do with the extra cash? I upgraded my graphic card on my computer. I purchased a NVIDIA RTX 2060 used for $340. Yes, I have no shame in buying used. I saved around $100 on the graphic card buying used. On top of that, I did not use all of the easy money I earned this month. Remember, the more of your money you keep, the more you can save and invest.

Whether it’s from consumer goods or stocks, I simply love getting a great deal. By now, its almost a game i enjoy playing. It’s often having patience that leads to better opportunities. The savings here and there can really add up quick. Happy savings and thank you for reading!


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